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Policy Documents, Discussion Papers, Guides and Frameworks

CCPT Supplementary Documents


Issued in January 2024 by JC3 Sub-committee 1 on Risk Management via the CCPT Implementation Group (CCPT IG) and technical partner, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Malaysia to facilitate financial institutions' effective implementation of CCPT classification.


Due Diligence Questions (DDQ) for assessment of BNM CCPT Guiding Principles 3 & 4 (GP3 & GP4) 
Contains a foundational set of questions for mandatory adoption by financial institutions, in assessing compliance with GP3 and GP4, specifically client's negative impact on environment and climate (i.e., no significant harm) and measures undertaken to remediate the negative impact (i.e., remedial measures to transition). First published in April 2023, the DDQ has been refined to include GP3's scope on GHG emissions, as well as improve clarity and user-friendliness.

Guidance Notes (GN) to facilitate adoption of DDQ for GP3 & GP4
Provides detailed guidance to support the adoption of DDQ for GP3 & GP4 assessment.  Updated to include relevant data sources in the Climate Data Catalogue published by the JC3 Sub-Committee 5 (JC3 SC5) as well as other relevant assessment tools and references. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Entails commonly asked questions on CCPT assessment. Updated to include clarification on expectations entailed in BNM’s Dear CEO letter (CCPT Review 2023 - Observations and Expectations on Financial Institutions) issued on 14 November 2023.

VBI Sectoral Guides

Spearheaded by the Value Based Intermediation (VBI) Community of Practitioners, the Guides focus on a number of sectors and provide sectoral-based guidance on implementing impact-based risk assessments.

Climate Risk Stress Testing (CRST)

Issued in June 2022, this discussion paper sets out proposed framework and elements for the industry-wide climate risk stress testing (CRST) exercise in 2024. It covers the applicability and format of the exercise, and technical elements such as scenarios selection, portfolio scope and granularity and other considerations.

TCFD Application Guide for Malaysian Financial Institutions

Issued in June 2022, this Guide outlines key recommendations supplemented by the relevant descriptions, guidance notes, considerations and examples that could be utilised as practical resources to facilitate the adoption of TCFD Recommendations by the Malaysian financial industry.

CCPT Minimum List of Documents to facilitate Guiding Principle 3 & 4 (GP3 & GP4) Assessment

Issued in December 2024 by the JC3 Sub-Committee 1 (JC3 SC1) via the CCPT Implementation Group (CCPT IG) to facilitate information gathering for Guiding Principle 3 & 4 (GP3 & GP4) assessment. This aims to reduce the burden on customers by minimising the need to prepare different set of information for multiple financial institutions (FIs). The implementation date for this initiative is set for 1 April 2025. 

Climate Change and
Principle-based Taxonomy (CCPT)

Issued in April 2021 to facilitate financial institutions in assessing and classifying economic activities that contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Climate Risk Management and Scenario Analysis (CRMSA)

Issued in December 2022, this policy document sets out principles and requirements on climate risk management and scenario analysis for financial institutions to enhance the financial sector's resilience against climate-related risks and to facilitate a just and orderly transition to a low-carbon economy.


Feedback Statement

Highlight of industry’s key feedback received during the consultation period and BNM’s responses.


Supplemental Guidance

Non-exhaustive case studies and reference resources.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Commonly asked questions on CRMSA disclosure requirements.

The Guide aims to support SMEs in their adoption of sustainability by providing guidance on the data requirements of their journey. The Guide is being refined following feedback received from a public consultation conducted from 26 July to 25 August 2023.


ASEAN Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance Foundation Framework Use Cases

This Supplementary Document relates to the Foundation Framework, providing use cases to guide small to medium size enterprises (SMEs) in using the Foundation Framework to assess activities in the agriculture and renewable energy sectors



A Report on the Sustainable Finance Landscape in
Malaysia (April 2022)

Sets out key insights from the extensive outreach 
programmes and a survey on sustainability
practices among financial institutions in Malaysia,
undertaken by the JC3 in 2021.


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